Established in 2012 as a Romanian-Flemish initiative. Our scope is to facilitate sustainable community development projects at local and national level by promoting Romanian-Flemish best practices in the field, without excluding other possible partnerships.
We have developed our working models into 56 local communities at national level and we are working through Health Local Committees, Medical Social Centers, Local Women Organizations, Local Men Organizations, Local Youth Groups and Local Community Development Committees.

National coordination in Romania of the EUROPEAN WOMEN LOBBY (EWL).
ROWL monitors the processes of adopting or amending Romanian policies and legislation on gender equality, as well as their implementation at the national level.ROWL mission is to work for the achievement of equality between women and men, to promote women's rights in all spheres of public and private life, to move towards economic and social justice for all women in their diversity, and to eliminate all forms of male violence against women. ROWL currently has 22 member NGOs in the country and the diaspora, with experience in integrating and monitoring gender equality and perspectives on women's rights in all policy areas of Romania and the European Union to achieve democratic parity at all levels and in all areas.
EPL aims to promote, strengthen, and support the sector of culture and creativity, education and training, in the context of the European Union.
EPL, founded by Alexandra Storari, is a company that has the ambitious goal of being a concrete and effective point of reference for all Italian cultural and creative realities in the context of the European Union.
The relevance of these realities is in fact still partly unexpressed in the European context in terms of: fund raising on European funds, European planning, European management and reporting, European training, European mobility.
EPL is based in Quartiere Isola, the Milanese district of creativity, and is closely linked to EuAbout Lab ASBL – European Association for Research, Educational, Cultural and Social Innovation, which is based in the European Quarter in Brussels.
An innovative company with a prepared, versatile and multifaceted team with experience in the implementation of innovative projects that respond to current social challenges.
At the same time, works with companies across Europe and understand their challenge to create, implement and finance an innovation project.
Their strategic objective is to join the platform economy and connect relevant actors with circular economy processes, promoting sustainable consumption.
They view technology as a fundamental enabler to achieve the sustainability goals of the Green Deal.
Non-profit association and its objective is to empower people, groups, organisations and communities to respond autonomously to the demands and needs of the social inclusion process. It also develops social activities for children, young people, adults and the elderly.
Our Scope:
To work within the framework of human rights and equal treatment by combating any form of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity, promoting social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.