Module 9

Creating characters for a storytelling

This module aims at defining some of the topics regarding creating characters into a storytelling.

The main points are:
Steps in making a character for your story.
1. Choose what your character is in the story.
2. What are the characteristics of your character?
3. What does your character look like?
4. Create the world around your character.
5. Create the back story.
6. Does your character have a backpack? The handbag?
7. What is your character's name?
8. Give your character a friend.

Tips and tricks for creating a character for a storytelling. 

You Will Learn...

In completing this Module of two Units the learner will be able to:

- Create a character for a storytelling considering all 8 steps from “Steps in making a character for your story”- Unit 9.1.

- Realize a very good character for a storytelling taking into account the tips and tricks from Unit 9.2.

//Units within the Module//

Unit 9.1

Steps in making a character for your story

Unit 9.2

Tips and tricks for creating a character for a storytelling

//Now let’s find out what you have learned in this module//


On a piece of paper, try to answer all the questions below:

1.Choose what your character is in the story

-is it an object, an animal, a person? 


2.What are the characteristics of your character? 

-choose two characteristics (adjectives) that anyone would give to your character (explain why people around you see these characteristics in your character) 

-choose two characteristics (adjectives) that only you see in your character and try to find two characteristics in conflict with what most see (explain why you chose these two adjectives) 

Ex: -a sentimental snake 

Only you can create a sentimental snake / Most consider the snake a cold-blooded animal with no feelings. 


  1. What does your character look like?

-how is the dress? 

-how's her/his hair? 

-what accessories does it have? 

-what color do you like the most? 

-what happened to breakfast today? 

-what music do you like?


  1. Create the world around your character 

-in what context does your character live? (Social? political? cultural? 

-what is the environment in which your character lives? 

-what kind of personality does he have?


5.Create the back story 

-what is your character's past?

-what happened to him in the past? 

-what life experiences did he have? 

-why is it the way it is now


6.Does your character have a backpack? The handbag? 

-what's in it? 

-choose five objects that are inside to describe them. 

-why does he have them in his purse? / Backpack? 


  1. What is your character's name? (Think about its characteristics) 

8.Give your character a friend - in contrast with him (a complementary friend) - and the the conflict based on differences has already appeared.