Module 6
WLB (Work Life Balance) & European dimension
This module aims at defining some of the topics regarding the European Union legislation in support of work-life balance.
The main points are (max 7):
1. European Pillar of Social Rights: the Work-Life Balance Initiative.
2. The Communication: An initiative to support work-life balance for working parents and carers.
3. The legal measures: introduction of paternity leave, carers' leave, flexible working arrangements.
4. Policy measures: protection against discrimination and dismissal, gender-balanced use of family-related leaves and flexible working arrangements, European funds, economic incentives.
5. Public entities and stakeholders involved in promoting these policies at National level.
6. State-of-the-art of these policies in National contexts: success story or not?
7. Focus on personal situations of women involved in the course: practical instruments for knowing their rights and applying in their real life.

You Will Learn...
- Learn what are European Pillar of social rights and Work-Life Balance Initiative.
- Learn what has been done to support WLB Initiative.
- Learn what kind of legal measures are in Directive 2019/1158.
- Learn what kind of policy measures are in Directive 2019/1158.
- Learn how the policies were promoted.
- See some case studies.
- Know some advice for their rights.
//Units within the Module//