Module 5 

WLB (Work Life Balance)

This module aims at defining some of the topics regarding the National situations of women's underrepresentation in the labour market and the National actions, in terms of legislation, for fighting this phenomenon.

The main points are (max 6):

1. Women underrepresentation in the labour market in Romania: causes and statistics.

2. Women underrepresentation in the labour market in Italy: causes and statistics.

4. Women underrepresentation in the labour market in Spain: causes and statistics.

5. National legislation and policies to support women work-life balance.

6. State-of-the-art of these instruments: success story or not?

7. Focus on personal situations of women involved in the course: practical instruments for supporting their work-life balance.

You Will Learn...

- Learn about the causes and statistics of women’s underrepresentation in the labour market in Romania.
- Learn about the causes and statistics of women’s underrepresentation in the labour market in Spain.
- Learn about the causes and statistics of women’s underrepresentation in the labour market in Italy.
- What are the national legislations and policies that support women work-life balance.
- Which of these policies work, which do not and what we can do still.
- Practical instruments in the support of work life balance.

//Units within the Module//

Unit 5.1

The Historical and Social causes that led to the current state of the women’s labour market in Romania

Unit 5.2

Past and Current state of the women workforce in Spain


Unit 5.3

Past and Current state of the women workforce in Portugal


Unit 5.4

Past and Current state of the women workforce in Italy


Unit 5.5

In Support of Women’s Work-Life Balance

Unit 5.6

These Policies in Action: Do They Work?

Unit 5.7

Instruments To Support Women’s Work-Life Balance

//Now let’s find out what you have learned in this module//