Module 2

Digital communication Tools

This module aims at defining some of the topics regarding how to create a communication strategy and the explanation of different tools to carry out a successful implementation.

The main points are:

- The importance of communication.

- Definition of the public.

- Definition of the channels. 

- Planning actions.

- Use of tool for creativity.

- Use of tools for market analysis.

- Use of tools for channel management.

You Will Learn...

- How to create a communication strategy (including the definition of the objectives, public, channels and actions).

- How to use Canva , a graphic design platform for social media graphics, presentations, posters and other different content.

- How to manage social media accounts with the tool Buffer.

- How to create an email campaign with Mailchimp.

- Market analysis using Google Trends.

- Grammar and spelling corrections with Grammarly.

-How to use Miro, a digital whiteboard for working on inspiration and ideas.

//Units within the Module//

Unit 2.1

Communication Strategy


Unit 2.2

Canva: Graphic Deisgn Platform


Unit 2.3

Buffer: Managing Social Media 


Unit 2.4

Mailchimp: email campaigns


Unit 2.5

Google Trends: studying the trends

Unit 2.6

Grammarly: checking grammar, spelling and punctuation



Unit 2.7

Miro: Creating ideas on a digital whiteboard


//Now let’s find out what you have learned in this module//

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.