Module 13
Discover your personal story (Personal Narrative)
This module aims at defining some of the topics regarding discovering your personal stories.
The main points are:
-Introduction in how you can discover your personal story and what are the two emotion that are sitting on the back of each of your action in life.
-Tool (for self-understanding your narrative): SCARF (Status- Certainty-Autonomy-Relatedness-Fairness).
-Tool 3F (for self-understanding your narrative): Fight-Flight-Freeze.
You Will Learn...
In completing this Module of three Units the learner will be able to:
- Understand which are the main 3 emotion that are at the base of each from our action.
- To understand the instrument SCARF and how can be reflected into our personal and professional decisions.
- To understand the instrument 3F and how we react when we face somebody’s else action.
//Units within the Module//