Module 10
Storytelling and Participative Methods
This module aims at defining some of the topics regarding the Participative Methods as Methods in helping Storytelling realization.
The main points are:
What is a Participatory Method? (Who wants a participatory approach; Why use a participatory approach; When is a participatory approach appropriate; Which method should be used).
“Interview” Method in realizing a story.
“Complete the sentence” Method in realizing a story.

You Will Learn...
In completing this Module of three (3) Units the learner will be able to:
- Understand what is a participatory method (Who wants a participatory approach.
- Why use a participatory approach.
- When is a participatory approach appropriate.
-Which method should be used).
- Will be able to realize an interview structure in order to apply the interview and to write a story based on.
- Will be able to work in a pair the “Complete the sentence” Method and to realize the structure of a story.
//Units within the Module//