Transnational Project Meeting in Ferrara, Italy

Ah, Ferrara (Italy)! What a great city to have our second Transnational Project Meeting between February 18th - 21st , 2023. Even though it was the time for carnival all other Italy, our team didn't have time to spear, as we had a lot of things to talk about and prepare for future activities.

As we entered our first year of the project, we made an evaluation of all the great work that was done until now. We had a short overview of the project activities, starting with the sharing of the feedback we received from the participants in the Learning, Teaching, Training Activity - LTTA that took place in Spain, in October 2022.

Next was the first result of our project, the Joint Curriculum "ABLE" Training Scheme that is already published on our project’s website:

Maybe you want to know about the Interactive Platform? It is in the final stage of revision. Our partner from Spain - Blue Room Innovation it's doing its magic as we speak. You can have a quick glance here: But, keep in mind that it is still a work in progress.

Our last project result is the book “My Story”. We are now planning training courses in each country and preparing to collect the stories from the women from rural areas. At the meeting, we discussed among the partners the format, defined the next steps and deadlines.

What great work the team did in just two days with all the celebration that was surrounding it.

And what a great meeting organisation it was. Thanks to Euro Project Lab Srls we didn't feel like working. Our colleague Bogdana (from Spain) said it very well: 'Thank you for the delightful experience in your beautiful hometown. It was great to spend time with you all and know each of you better. It’s easy to work with you all and I can’t wait to see you all soon.'

P.S. Did you know that Ferrara is the first modern city and one of the culturally most important Italian Renaissance city-states?

Ferrara was one of the European capitals of culture, arts, politics, and gastronomy, in addition to being a reference point for artists, poets and minstrels. The Estense dynasty was a great family of eccentric and well-educated patrons who transformed a rural centre into a Renaissance masterpiece declared a World Heritage Site in just the space of three centuries. Under the Este domination, in fact, Ferrara experienced its golden age, hosting the most important contemporary artistic and literary figures and playing a key role in many fields.